品牌文化Brand Culture “认真玩”音乐剧是由新擎文化传媒有限公司和英国国家青少年音乐剧团(NYMT)打造的国际一流音乐剧坊品牌。是一个集课程研发、课程输出、师资输出、原创音乐剧目、国内国际营地、各类青少年艺术赛事为主的一家音乐剧综合机构,凭借新擎和NYMT的强大资源整合,在中国和亚洲地区推出完善的音乐剧系统服务。 "Seriously play" musical is an international first-class brand of musical theatre created by Shanghai Fresh Prime Limited and NYMT. It is a comprehensive musical institution integrating curriculum research and development, curriculum output, faculty output, original musical creation, domestic and international camps, and various youth art events. With the powerful resources integration of Fresh Prime Limited and NYMT, it has launched a complete musical system service in China and Asia.
中国运营方——上海新擎文化传媒有限公司(上海新可风文化传播有限公司) Chinese operator -- Shanghai Fresh Prime Limited. (Shanghai Fresh Vogur Limited)
资深的名剧版权引进商,领先的娱乐内容制作商,音乐剧新人发掘者 成立于1996年,作为中国演出产业先锋,最早引进电影和百老汇音乐剧DVD版权 ☆ 2002年东方电视台《缤纷音乐剧》栏目制作方; ☆ 2009年作为音乐剧《猫》的上海主办方; ☆ 2015引进音乐剧《人鬼情末了》,因其极为成功的表现,2016-2017年度再度引进 ☆ 2017年引进音乐剧《保镖》,是中国单剧巡演城市、场次、票房的创造者; ☆ 近年来开创"少儿歌•舞•剧大赛“,并将优秀的青少年送入伦敦纽约深造并创造机会让他们与国际顶尖的演出团队合作表演;v ☆ 现致力于引进世界级原版舞台艺术演出。 2015-2017年新可风成功运营了每年度中国最大规模的音乐剧单剧巡演。 The veteran copyright importer of famous plays, the leading producer of entertainment content, and the developer of new musicals Founded in 1996, as a pioneer in China's performance industry, it was the first to introduce movie and DVD rights to Broadway musicals ☆ producer of Oriental TV "colorful musical" TV series in 2002; ☆ Shanghai organizer of "cats" in 2009; ☆ presenter of Ghost Musical China tour in 2015, and presented it again in 2016-2017 because of its huge success, • presenter of "the bodyguard" in 2017, which is the creator of China's single drama tour city, times and box office; ☆ in recent years, the "children's song, dance and drama competition" has been established, and will send outstanding teenagers to London and New York for further study and create opportunities for them to cooperate with the world's top performing teams; ☆ committed to introducing world-class original stage art performance. From 2015-2017, Shanghai Fresh Vogur Limited had successfully run the biggest single musical tour in China every year.
英国合作方——英国国家青少年音乐剧团(NYMT) UK Collaborator: National Youth Musical Theatre
音乐剧之父安德鲁•劳埃德•韦伯曾说过:英国国家青少年音乐剧团是全球最好的青少年音乐剧团!英国国家青少年音乐剧团1976年成立,一直在为青少年提供戏剧教育以及音乐剧舞台体验。 Andrew Lloyd webber, the most famous musical composer, dub it “the best youth music theatre in the world”. Founded in 1976, the national young musical theatre has been providing drama education and theatre experience for young people.
剧团校友中也不乏很多在中国也耳熟能详的明星,其中包括著名影星裘德•洛(也是剧团赞助人之一)、“福尔摩斯”约翰尼•李•米勒以及英国硬汉伊德瑞斯•艾尔巴等等。 There are many stars from NYMY also well-known in China, including Jude Law (also one of the sponsors of the troupe), Johnny Lee Miller and Idris alba.
到目前为止,这个出色的剧团已在爱丁堡艺术节(Edinburgh Festival Fringe)制作了50多部作品和30多部音乐剧,除了在伦敦西区、百老汇献上精彩演出之外,在世界各地都能看到他们的舞动的身影! So far, NYMT has produced more than 50 productions and more than 30 musicals at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. In addition to performing in the west end and Broadway, they can be seen around the world. |