Email: sp@shxkf.com
Shang Hai Campus
Contact with Meng :15850995461
(the same with Wechat Number)

Chong Qing Campus
Contact with Little M: 18580109741
(the same with Wechat Number)

Nan Jing Campus
Contact with Annie: 15050558731
(the same with Wechat Number)

 艺考直通车Through Train


What is the ultimate purpose of the art college entrance examination? Is to help you get into the ideal university!

The purpose of the art test is not to cultivate an actor or a star, the study of art requires a long time of professional and systematic training, as well as a lot of practical experience and life experience.

First of all, art training is not a streamlined production line, if it is compared to clothing, it is high-level private customization. There is no unified measure of art, it is not 1 + 1 = 2.
Secondly, we do not underestimate or overestimate every examinee. Based on your own conditions, we will explore your own beauty and customize a set of exam contents for you.
"Serious Play”: it's the key to your art. We are your bridge to the University.

"Serious play" and "Lu Gongming" strong combination, the biggest advantage is: we have many years of recruitment experience of teachers! With rich experience in art examination, brilliant and professional teachers.It's really powerful!

 拥有多年教考经验,通过我们对于艺术类考试的专业理解,在艺考内容、面试技巧、应试方法、等方面进行系统、模块试专攻练习.根据考生自身特点,针对性的提高考生的综合艺术素质。
With many years of teaching and testing experience, through our professional understanding of the art exam, we have carried out systematic and modular test practice in the content of the art exam, interview skills, test methods, etc. according to the characteristics of the candidates, we have targeted to improve the comprehensive art quality of the candidates.

 我们将开设不同的班,供不同需求的考生参加
We will set up different classes for candidates with different needs

 定期邀请专业的评委导师参与指导教学与模拟考试;以及定期带领考生观摩专业的舞台剧演出。
Regularly invite professional judges and tutors to participate in teaching and simulation tests; and regularly lead candidates to watch professional stage play performances.

              "Serious play" has a strong team of experts, artists and mentors. All the teachers are active in the professional stage of art and drama. Have rich teaching experience and years of stage performance accumulation. We will regularly lead candidates to watch professional stage performances, while professional learning and practical theoretical knowledge.

In the professional study at the same time will not delay the study of academic courses

For non Shanghai local candidates. After the training of professional courses, arrange late classes for academic courses. Not only do our "serious play" teachers urge learning discipline, but also invite students or graduates from famous schools in Shanghai to tutor candidates in academic courses.

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版权所有:上海新擎文化传媒有限公司 英国国家青少年音乐剧团(NYMT)
上海校区:越越老师13501806525(微信同号) — —重庆校区:小M老师18580109741(微信同号)
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